Astrology is science which can bring light in our future. All of us are very eager to know about gems and jewels. Are they really effective? Can they really change a man’s luck and destiny? A number of such questions come to mind, and the answer is a definite Yes. But first, they must be inspected and judged, as well as charged scientifically. Gems and jewels have a divine natural power which a man may or may not have. All the religions and cultures of the world accord great importance to gems and jewels. There is a frequent reference to the Kalpa Vruksha in the Hindu Puranas. This divine tree which fulfills one’s wishes was in fact created from gems and jewels, which is why they also fulfill one’s wishes. Man has to face numerous problems and calamities in his life. The ancient ascetics and Rishis have deviced a number of remedies on these for human wellbeing, such as contemplation, worshipping, various spiritual rituals etc. But all types of worshipping and contemplation have to be performed very religiously, in a disciplined manner, and regularly for a long time. The effects of it also occur after a long time. The ancient Rishis had also discovered the quickly working properties of gems and jewels: their effectiveness, removing all the problems without man’s knowledge and fulfilling all human wishes. The same thing is now proved by science. The gems and jewels were created simultaneously with the universe. Even Gods have got their divinity from them, which was why they arranged the Samudra Manthan to get back their lost divinity and to become immortal, and earned the gems and jewels as well as the Amrut, the divine potion which gives immortality.
A number of legends are described in gemology about the creation of gems and jewels, and they also are closely connected with different planets. One such wonderful story goes like this: There was a very powerful and adventurous demon in the old times, called Vali. He conquered Lord Indra, the king of Gods. So, Lord Indra very cunningly requested him to be the sacrificial beast in his Yajna. Vali, who was extremely noble and benevolent, acceded to the request. He was also extremely virtuous and pious, and so, when Lord Indra hit him over the head with his Vajra, his whole body was transformed into numerous gems and jewels. Different types of precious gems and jewels were formed from different parts of his body, and all of them were strewn all over the earth. Gods fought among themselves to pick them up, and whichever God got whatever type of gems and jewels, they became His favorite. The Sun God got the ruby, while the Moon God got the pearl. Mars got the coral, Mercury got the emerald, while Jupiter got the yellow topaz. Saturn got the blue topaz, Rahu and Ketu got their hands on zircon and Cat’s eye respectively. The rest of the jewels and gems were strewn all over the earth, in the rivers and oceans and mountains and land etc. Later, these locations became jewel mines. That is the reason why the earth is called RatnaGarbha, and the oceans are called Ratnakar. It should be noted that these are extracted even today from the locations mentioned in gemology, and are exported all over the world. Secondly, even more importantly, the minerals and chemicals found in gems and jewels are found in human body as well. After all, human body is also made out of the Five Elements, isn’t it?
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